URL: http://www.YLighting.com
Sophisticated low voltage lighting systems usually require professional layout and design. The number, type and voltage of transformers depends on both the number of lighting heads as well as distance that the rail covers. In addition, the rails themselves suspend from the ceilings and therefore structural supports must be calculated to insure safety and stability. Because of the inherent complexity, the design and layout of these low voltage monorail systems is done by professional lighting consultants and usually requires an upfront payment for services or a non-refundable deposit against the purchase of the monorail lighting system. Unlike offline lighting retailers, YLighting.com, the oldest and largest online retailer of modern lighting, provides this service free of charge with no obligation or commitment. Accordingly, YLighting.com will prepare a bill of materials clearly listing the component parts and their itemized pricing. With this bill of materials, consumers can then "shop-around" for the best price. However, YLighting.com provides this breakdown because it is confident that even if the customer doesn't actually buy from YLighting, the experience of working with YLighting's technical lighting designers will inure to YLighting.com benefit and reputation in the future. However, this approach isn't without its drawbacks. Many lighting stores who lack these professionals on staff frequently encourage their customers to submit a requirement to YLighting.com for design and return to the store with the bill of materials. You can view some of these systems from Tech Lighting and Wac Lighting...Click to read more