Canada is a country built on immigration. As a result, virtually every Canadian has an immigration story somewhere in their family history. LoonLounge.com is about finding a community that you identify with, whether it be with other members from your home country who are also thinking of immigrating to Canada, or with Canadians who have the same occupation as you do, and sharing advice and experiences with those people. Canadian immigration stories recount tales of difficult decisions to leave native soil, the challenges involved in travel and determining where to settle, and the time of adjustment before at last feeling at home. Often, the stories also recount the kindness of a more established Canadian, who helped the newcomer settle into life in Canada. In 2007 Canada welcomed close to 500,000 new immigrants and temporary residents. Each of these newcomers needed hard work, determination and a helping hand to quickly succeed in Canada. The reality of our fast-paced world means that a helping hand is often missing. Though the Canadian government is recognized internationally as being generous in providing aid to newcomers, governmental help cannot replace interpersonal assistance, leaving a gap between the process of immigration and settlement for many new Canadians. LoonLounge.com was developed by Canadian immigration lawyer David Cohen in the hope of filling this gap. An online Canadian community, LoonLounge provides a safe venue where individuals in all stages of immigration and settlement can connect with other immigrants and more established Canadians. LoonLounge is about finding a community that you identify with, whether it be with other members from your home country who are also thinking of immigrating to Canada, or with Canadians who have the same occupation as you do, and sharing advice and experiences with those people. The LoonLounge communities are places where people help people for the benefit of members on a personal and community level, and for the betterment of Canadian...click to read more