Friday, March 20, 2009

Pew Internet & American Life Project Launches New Site

Pew Internet and American Life Project Launches New SiteThe Pew Internet & American Life Project is a non-partisan, non-profit "fact tank" that produces reports exploring the impact of the internet on families, communities, work and home, daily life, education, health care, and civic and political life.

The Project aims to be an authoritative source on the evolution of the internet through surveys that examine how Americans use the internet and how their activities affect their lives. The Pew Internet Project studies the social impact of the internet. All reports, presentations, and data sets dating back to the year 2000 are available for free. A chronological list of Pew reports is also available. Pew's mission is to make it easy for people to find – and share – our research. If you wish to reproduce them either on paper or online, please follow the guidelines in the Pew Use Policy.

Here are some highlights of the new site:
* Topic-driven navigation (see: Teens)
* Page through reports online (see: Generations Online in 2009)
* Grab-and-go infographics (see: Twitter users are more mobile in news consumption)
* Searchable poll database (see: Explore Survey Questions)
Here are some shortcuts to old favorites:
* Latest trends charts: who’s online, internet activities, etc.
* A year-by-year catalog of Pew reports
* Download data sets

Cornelia Carter-Sykes, Sydney Jones, and Susannah Fox oversaw the work, along with fantastic team that helped surface an iceberg of research and carve it into what you see:
* Threespot
* Velir
* Roper Center's iPOLL Databank
* Alissa Stern, Usability Consultant

Thanks for your patience as kinks in the new system are ironed out. Please let the staff know what you think via email or on Twitter. Also share with them how you use the research in your work, at school, or in personal pursuits, or if you have suggestions for future to read more


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