Going back to school often means buying lots of new stuff, from clothes to backpacks to notebooks to computers. In 2009, the average family with school-aged children will spend nearly $600 on back-to-school purchases. Learning how to live green doesn't have to mean an in-school composting bin or an organic garden. Every choice you make can have green implications. From what (organic) jeans to buy, to how to thrift store shop your back to school wardrobe, to low impact laptop computers and cell phones. PlanetGreen.com is filled with solutions-oriented tips and information that can help you make your home and school life greener. Check out the Planetgreen Back to School Green feature by category... Supplies and Clothes make up most of our back to school purchases. From cool casual sneakers made from hemp and other sustainable fabrics to solar backpacks to charge your laptop with renewable energy on the go, here you'll find comprehensive buy guides for making the lowest impact purchases possible, and getting the most bang for your buck. College Students and Professors will find inspiring profiles on people making a difference on campuses across the country, the best choices for green colleges and how to be active in green movements and initiatives on campus, green career advice and of course, how to party the eco-friendly way. Teachers will find cool classroom project ideas, information on how to start composing and recycling programs, profiles of green teachers making a difference, paper saving tips for home school teachers and our favorite choices for great reusable tote bags...read more