Continuing their mission to integrate environmentally-sustainable practices and healthy lifestyles into the American ethos, the founder and writers of Hip Moms Go Green, an online magazine dedicated to mothers striving to live and eat green, have launched The Go Green Pages. A national online directory of verifiably green businesses, products and services, will help consumers make informed decisions on which businesses to patronize and guide them in achieving a sustainable, yet comfortable, lifestyle.
The Go Green Pages gives environmentally-conscious entrepreneurs the unique opportunity to list their products and services with minimal editorial regulation. With the freedom to post videos, links, photos, and reviews, green businesses have the unfettered ability to promote a green lifestyle, educate consumers on saving money through sustainability, and ultimately boost sales. Drawing on the experience and trust it has built educating thousands of mothers on green living, the editorial team at Hip Moms Go Green investigates and verifies a business’s green credentials before approval to the directory. Listed businesses benefit from Hip Moms Go Green’s established following.
Designed for the general consumer population, The Go Green Pages already features nearly 900 businesses nationwide, including organic boutiques and restaurants, which offer products and services ranging from art supplies to fashion accessories and eco-travel to air purification.
“ will prove we no longer have to sacrifice style and substance to go green,” says Nickie Knight, the founder and editor in chief of The Go Green Pages and Hip Moms Go Green and a mother convinced that protecting the environment and children are synonymous. “By offering consumers an array of practical sustainable products and services, will...see the site now
Posted by Eric Ward on 6/11/10