Business owners and others stuck with scans, PDFs, or image file containing words they can’t edit now have an accurate and affordable conversion option: the new web-based service BetterOCR.com. The site provides free and low-cost optical character recognition (OCR) services, and can turn virtually any scanned page or image file into an editable text document. “All OCR software makes mistakes. BetterOCR is hands down the most accurate image-to-text service, because it’s the only one that utilizes smart humans to proofread the OCR text,” said Kevin Savetz, the site’s creator. “Now, there’s no need for you or your staff to waste time re-typing text that you already have right in front of you,” Savetz said. “BetterOCR.com will turn your PDF and image files into text files you can open in any word processing program.”
BetterOCR.com offers three levels of service, from free to top-quality, quick-turnaround file conversion with text edited by professional proofreaders. There’s a basic, Free OCR service, which uses software to convert scans or other image files into editable text. However, there may be mistakes, formatting problems and a need to proofread the text yourself. The paid options, Budget OCR and Better OCR, promise top-quality text proofread by real people...read more or go to the site now