URL: http://www.isuki.com
iSuki.com is part dating, part social networking, a dating community rather than a generic dating website. The site is aimed at 18-40 ABC1 professionals, the cash rich and time poor generation rather than generically targeted. Members can communicate like on other dating sites, but they can also view classifieds, jobs and events. Founder Sara Halman said about the site, "I set iSuki.com up as I was finding it increasingly difficult to find someone suitable outside of my advertising circle in London. I was also worried about the security of dating online and the type of people I saw hanging out on other sites. iSuki.com was built to be urban and slick, a site targeted at professional ABC1's rather than a generic corporate site". One especially welcome feature at iSuki.com is the "Three strikes and you are out" system. Members are reported so that anyone pretending to be something that they are not will be kicked off the site. This keeps the site safe and secure. The site also will be introducing a system where you can buy...Click to read more