NASA this month launched a new Greenspace Web site to showcase several environmentally friendly projects that are underway at NASA's Ames Research Center to improve life here on Earth.The Web site offers in-depth information about Ames' work on global prediction, monitoring and response of changing weather conditions to better understand why climate change is taking place, enhance our awareness and improve disaster response. Ames also is working on alternative and clean energy to help us become energy independent and reduce our production of greenhouse gases. Ames is working on sustainable systems in the area of life support for NASA's new mission to return to the moon. The center is also supporting the green government initiative to develop greener, cleaner facilities. "Greenspace is the first NASA Web site that houses all the green-related research and activities in one place," said Jeffrey Smith, deputy chief of Ames' entrepreneurial initiatives division. "The site makes it easy for anyone to read about Ames' cutting-edge climate change, renewable energy and sustainability research and how that makes Ames a greener place to work and a good Bay Area neighbor." Ames is partnering with leaders in Silicon Valley...Click to read more