Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Mortgage-Lenders-Plus.com Helps Homeowners Understand New Mortgage Loan Standards

URL: http://www.mortgage-lenders-plus.com/
The federal government says mortgage lenders need to toughen mortgage standards. The new mortgage loan rules will mean more paperwork when it comes time to borrow -- and for some borrowers less ability to get the loan amount they want. In his latest column for Mortgage-Lenders-Plus.com, Peter G. Miller (author of The Common-Sense Mortgage and a columnist syndicated in more than 80 newspapers) shows how borrowers can do well under the new standards. "It's really a return to the loan standards we had prior to 2001," says Miller. "With a little preparation most borrowers will be able to easily sail through the new requirements." more »

Tags: home mortgage, home mortage requirements,

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